Herd in the News: The Deer Went Over the Mountains
Location: Clay and Limestone, Tennessee
RE: Cease and Desist
Dearest Gail,
I showed "my deer family" the photo and documents that you posted. As you can see from the photo, they were ecstatic to learn that their relatives have made the trip safely to Tennessee.
According to Ms. Jane Doe of North Carolina, her brother, John, went over the hills to Tennessee when they heard of a new "land rush" where squatters have rights. That's Jane's sister-in-law, Bambi II, in your photo.
John hired a "big bucks" attorney, Mr. Antlers, a renowned "gouger" to assist with the "filing" of the proper paper. Being environmentally conscious, the paper was milled from local tree bark, therefore saving the cost of buying paper from a foreign source. Our hidden camera snapped this shot of Mr. Antlers and his secretary lurking in the way, back backyard at Arbor Lea.
Jane is concerned that the formal documents may have rubbed you the wrong way and wants you to know that the Doe family is usually quite polite and casual.
Jane exclaimed that if Tennessee is that beautiful and so full of uneaten perennials, perhaps she and the rest of the extended family should start their journey before the snow gets too deep in the mountains.
When Jane learned that you are also an avid gardener who "fawns" over your perennials, she was greatly encouraged.
I shall send you advance warning if the members of the Doe family inform me that they are going elsewhere for the holidays this year. From the latest sighting, it looks like they may be heading in your direction.
Location: North Carolina
Petite Perennial: Scutellaria suffrutescens
Such a pretty, petite perennial deserves a better nickname than "pink skullcap." Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose' is a cute little thing that blooms almost non-stop by my front garden gate. The snapdragon-shaped blooms are a beautiful, deep rose color.
'Texas Rose' is a tough little cookie, too. She tolerates drought and fends for herself without any pampering, making her an excellent plant for xeriscaping. If you're a gardener who has a "no whining" sign hanging in your garden, you may want to consider adding 'Texas Rose' to a full-sun location.
Since scutellaria is in the mint family, she repels deer and rabbits. Planted around the stone column at my garden gate, she is constantly abused by the opening and closing of the gate. This variety is hardy in zones 7a-10b.
Even in the cold winter months, she is evergreen in my zone 7 garden, making 'Texas Rose' the perfect perennial to greet my guests all year round. Standing only 8 inches tall and spreading 15 inches wide, she makes a great edging plant for walkways and sunny borders. Tuck her into a rock garden and she'll add blooms almost all summer and into autumn.
Scutellaria suffrutescens 'Texas Rose' can be grown from seeds sown in the fall, or by propagating herbaceous stem cuttings. Rose has been in my garden for two years. She has passed the test for front yard beauty and toughness, so I plan to extend my plantings of Rose along my front walkway. 'Texas Rose' is definitely a keeper!
Story and photos by Freda Cameron
Corkscrew Willow Provides Indoor and Outdoor Decor
The deciduous corkscrew willow provides lush foliage in the summer months and interesting, curly branches in the winter. After the leaves have fallen, I prune out the overlapping branches to use for decoration in a vase.
Out in the fragrance garden, I use this small tree to provide shade and add texture. Other companions include a Kousa dogwood, sweet bay magnolia, buddleia and gardenia. In the summer, colocasia and monarda surround the willow. This fast-growing tree also provides privacy by screening our back deck.
Corkscrew willows are available in different sizes and are suitable for zones 4b-8a, depending upon the variety. My willow is planted on the southeast side of the house where it receives sunlight most of the day. Willows like moisture, but this little tree was a tough survivor during our 2007 drought.
If you plant any willow, make sure that it is nowhere near any underground pipes, especially ones that provide moisture. Willows can be short-lived, but they are fast-growing and inexpensive. You can easily propagate the corkscrew willow from hardwood or softwood cuttings. All parts are poisonous.
When I prune out the sprouts that cross the inside of the tree, I bring the best branches inside to use for year-round decor. I don't put the branches in water, I just use them dry as they come in from the garden. Just a quick wipe with a cloth to remove any bugs or dirt is all you have to do.
Our family room mantel has a marshland theme based on the painting by a North Carolina artist. The bronze frogs are appropriately named "Show Off" and "Social Climber." The willow branches are placed in a North Carolina pottery vase that is embellished with dimensional frogs, lilypads and lotus. The willow branches fit in well with the marsh theme while providing height in a room with a high ceiling. I have no art of my own to add to the mantel, but at least I grew these willow branches in my garden!
Photos and story by Freda Cameron
Evergreen Herbs for Gardens and Cooking
On a cold November day, I go out in the garden to cut fresh herbs for the kitchen. Sage, rosemary and thyme are evergreen here in my zone 7 garden.
On frozen mornings, I wait until the early afternoon to harvest my herbs. I place the stems of rosemary and sage in a glass of water on my counter until time to prepare the evening meal. I often store these herbs in the water up to a day in advance.
Sage leaves are great for poultry, stuffings and dressings for poultry. Sage provides a nice flavor for autumn dishes that also include butternut squash or pumpkin. Sage officinalis grows in zones 5-11 to a height (in bloom) of up to three feet in full sun with well-drained soil. Just one sage plant in my garden is now about three feet wide in its second year of growth.
I use rosemary for roasted vegetables, roasted chicken, Tuscan beef stew, Italian sauces and breads. Rosemary and lemon work well together for roasted chicken. Rosemary and tomatoes for the Tuscan beef stew. In zones 6 and colder, rosemary can be grown as a container plant. Rosemary grows best in full sun with well-drained soil. As with many herbs, it benefits from trimming.
Thyme grows right by my front steps in a micro-climate that is protected from frost. The thyme stays fresh and fragrant into the cold months. Because of this convenience, I pick the thyme right before preparing a meal. I like to use thyme with rice to add just a little flavor. Thyme grows in zones 4-9 in full sun or part shade.
Aside from the culinary uses, rosemary, sage and thyme are great garden plants. All three bloom, with sage providing the biggest color show in mid-April. Cascading rosemary has been blooming for several months now in my cottage garden. The rosemary bloomed off all spring and summer as well.
Thyme makes a great, low groundcover and spreads rapidly. Upright forms of rosemary work well mixed in a border with perennials and shrubs while cascading rosemary works well on slopes and above retaining walls. Sage is a nice edging plant and provides soft leaf textures among perennials. However, it can be short-lived and has to be replaced every few years.
These herbs are also great for container gardens on decks, terraces or balconies. All three of the culinary varieties of these perennial herbs are deer and rabbit resistant as well as drought tolerant. For the best varieties for your zone, check with your local nursery.
Story and photos by Freda Cameron
Desain Interior Rumah Art Deco dan Modern Minimalis
Agar terlihat serasi dan enak dipandang, menata interior rumah sebaiknya diselaraskan dengan fasad bangunannya. Jika tampak mukanya memakai art deco, penataan interiornya juga tidak lari dari gaya itu. Demikian pula untuk model rumah minimalis, interiornya pun didesain dengan gaya yang senada. Meskipun dalam penerapannya, tidak bulat-bulat memakai kedua gaya itu.
Axonometric View - Desain Rumah Minimalis Modern
Untuk interior ruang tamu, penerapan gaya art deco yang banyak memakai ornamen bulat, kotak-kotak, atau bentuk geometris lainnya, cukup dijadikan aksen saja. Misalnya, hanya dipakai untuk lemari TV atau lemari display lainnya.
Sedangkan perabot lainnya, seperti meja dan kursi, dipilih model yang simpel dan finishingnya memakai warna cocoa brown (cokelat gelap). Bila perlu, diberi aksen warna hitam agar terlihat lebih mewah.
Sementara, jika memakai konsep minimalis, karena semuanya dibuat serba minimal, supaya ruang tidak terkesan kosong perlu diberikan sedikit aksen. Misalnya, ada satu meja atau kursi yang desainnya tradisional.
Material aksen lainnya bisa juga dipakai, seperti benda-benda hasil kerajinan seperti patung (statue), sculpture, dan aksesoris lain yang diperoleh ketika berkunjung ke daerah atau hasil melancong ke luar negeri.
Ruang keluarga, untuk rumah model art deco atau minimalis, akan lebih cocok memakai permainan warna cokelat dan serat-serat kayu.
Selain itu, orang juga banyak yang menyukai kayu nyantoh, karena seratnya lurus-lurus, atau kayu mahoni yang warnanya agak kemerah-merahan. Sementara model-model furniturenya juga dipilih yang simpel, tidak memakai ukir-ukiran maupun profil.
Sementara di bagian kamar tidur, dinding kamar tidur juga disarankan memakai warna-warna cerah minimalis. Kalaupun diberi aksen, biasanya untuk dinding di belakang headboard ranjang. Sementara bila memakai wallpaper, dipilih corak daun-daunan, anyam-anyaman bambu, dan sebagainya.
Model tempat tidurnya juga dibuat sederhana, mirip furniture Jepang. Dibuat pendek dengan dipan lurus memakai kaki. Untuk itu, agar kelihatan mewah, head-board ranjangnya perlu dilapisi dengan bahan yang terbuat dari kulit atau kayu bergelombang.
Finishing kayunya memakai warna gelap cocoa brown atau maple. Bisa juga bahan kulit tersebut dianyam agar mengesankan tradisional. Bahan kulit juga bagus dipakai untuk pelapis kursi yang ditaruh di kamar.
Sedangkan meja dan kursi di ruang makan, juga dipilih yang modelnya simpel. Top table-nya bisa memakai kayu, dapat pula memakai kaca. Dinding ruang makannya diberi ornamen, misalnya batu paras Yogyakarta, dan kaca cermin kotak-kotak (kaca patri).
Kemudian untuk penerangannya memakai lampu gantung berbentuk geometris, bulat, kotak, atau prisma.
Sementara untuk kursi makannya, kebanyakan dengan high backing dan bahan yang dipakai biasanya ‘chenille’ warna coklat, krem atau hitam kulit (ram).
Desain Rumah Mungil Yang Artistik
Bersamaan dengan perkembangan dunia properti tersebut, kebutuhan masyarakat akan rumah belakangan ini sangat tinggi. Jika budget kurang mencukupi untuk membeli rumah yang middle end, rumah mungil atau sederhana pun tidak menjadi halangan untuk mewujudkan keinginan memiliki rumah. Hampir semua pengembang menawarkan kavling atau produk rumah mungil, karena tingginya kebutuhan masyarakat akan rumah/tempat tinggal, maka hanya dalam waktu singkat mampu terjual ratusan unit rumah. Masalahnya, banyak pengembang memanfaatkan momentum tersebut dengan membangun rumah mungil dengan fasilitas dan lingkungan yang ala kadarnya seperti yang selama ini kita kenal, yaitu Rumah Type 36 atau Rumah Sangat Sederhana (RSS).
Mendeskripsikan rumah mungil dengan kondisi seperti itu sudah waktunya diubah. Konsumen adalah raja, manusia juga yang selayaknya diberikan yang terbaik. Rumah harus indah, sehat, dan bersahabat dengan lingkungan. Itulah kata kunci membangun rumah ukuran apa pun, termasuk membangun atau memilih rumah mungil. Rumah mungil yang dipasarkan biasanya memiliki luas maksimal 100 meter persegi dengan ukuran variasi 6 X 15 m, 7 X 15m, atau 8 X 12 m, dan bentuk bangunan rumah standar.
Indah tidak harus selalu mahal. Kreativitas desain yang arif dan cerdas justru mampu mewujudkan rumah mungil yang hemat bahan bangunan dan menyiasati segala keterbatasan, baik dana maupun lahan. Konsep indah dapat diterjemahkan dalam bentuk denah rumah yang lugas dan mudah pemeliharaan. Keterbatasan lahan mendorong pembangunan rumah mungil bertingkat.
Denah ruang terbuka dan minim dinding pembatas, baik tembok, dinding, atau pintu, membuat ruang terasa lapang. Penggabungan fungsi ruang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penghuni.
Carport, teras, dan taman depan difungsikan sebagai ruang tamu, ruang bermain anak, parkir kendaraan, bahkan rapat RT/RW. Ruang dalam dioptimalkan sebagai ruang keluarga dan ruang makan. Fungsi ruang keluarga, ruang belajar, dan kamar tidur anak-anak juga dapat ditempatkan di lantai atas hingga ke kolong atap (attic). Taman dan teras belakang dimanfaatkan sebagai ruang makan terbuka, ruang keluarga, dan ruang belajar anak, dengan waktu berbeda.
Kamar mandi merupakan ruang yang memerlukan penanganan dan pemeliharaan khusus, mulai utilitas sanitasi, peranti utama, dan pemilihan bahan. Bahan lantai dari keramik atau teraso bertekstur kasar dimaksudkan agar tidak terpeleset dan berukuran kecil untuk memperluas kesan ruang. Keterbatasan luas dapat dibuat kamar mandi kering dengan shower box tertutup berdinding kaca atau tirai plastik. Penempatan septic tank meski ditempatkan di taman depan, namun jaraknya masih relatif dekat dengan pompa air sehingga untuk jangka panjang dapat mencemari air tanah. Untuk itu, perlu dipertimbangkan ulang penempatan septic tank kolektif dialihkan di taman-taman lingkungan.
Penataan dapur serba praktis menyatu dengan ruang makan atau di teras belakang (ruang makan terbuka).
Konsep umum rumah menyediakan kamar tidur dan kamar mandi pembantu di belakang, di bawah, atau di atas dekat ruang servis, mencuci, dan menjemur. Kini desain ruang servis, mencuci, dan menjemur, kamar tidur dan kamar mandi pembantu serta dapur kotor ditempatkan di bagian depan rumah, bersebelahan dengan ruang keluarga menghadap carport.
Tampilan artistik rumah tidak membutuhkan bahan mahal. Dinding rumah dari batako dan batu bata dengan penyelesaian dinding ekspos atau kombinasi plesteran atau kamprotan dengan pengerjaan hati-hati dan rapi, atau dapat pula memakai dinding pelat baja. Keramik KW-2, KW-3, atau teraso yang unik juga tak kalah menariknya mempercantik lantai rumah. Ketidakpresisian bahan masih dapat disiasati dengan nat-nat lebar.
Isi perabotan rumah harus serbaguna, sesuai dengan prioritas kebutuhan keluarga, dan proporsional antara ukuran perabot dan luas ruang. Meja, sofa, dipan, bawah wastafel, hingga kolong tangga dioptimalkan sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang dan tersebar sesuai dengan kebutuhan fungsi ruang sehingga tidak perlu membuat gudang.
Penyelesaian lantai, dinding, dan perabotan dengan warna dan/atau bahan senada pada ruang luar hingga ruang dalam memberikan kesan luas ruang imajiner. Gradasi perpaduan warna yang tepat di setiap ruang juga turut mempengaruhi kesan luas ruang sekaligus memberikan efek psikologis (terapi kejiwaan) kepada penghuni rumah. Kesatuan tema dan warna akan membantu rumah terkesan teratur dan lapang, antara lantai (gelap), dinding dan perabotan (sedang), dan atap plafon (terang).
RUMAH mungil juga harus sehat. Rumah merupakan tempat terapi kesehatan fisik dan mental penghuni, baik di kala sehat, dalam penyembuhan, atau tengah sakit. Rumah tempat relaksasi memulihkan kesegaran tubuh.
Krisis listrik dan tarif listrik yang terus naik harus diantisipasi dengan prioritas pemakaian perangkat listrik dan desain rumah hemat energi. Optimalisasi sinar matahari sebagai sumber pencahayaan alami rumah sepanjang pagi-sore hari dan sinar rembulan dan bintang di malam hari.
Optimalisasi sinar matahari dan sirkulasi udara dapat dibuat dengan bukaan pintu dan jendela dengan lebar dan panjang hingga menyentuh lantai, tinggi plafon minimal 2,75 meter, serta skylight di atas ruang makan, kamar mandi, atau kamar tidur atas akan memberikan perluasan ruang imajiner.
Setiap ruang diupayakan mendapat sinar matahari dan udara segar yang baik untuk kesehatan rumah dan penghuni serta kocek penghuni. Rumah bahkan dapat meminimalkan pemakaian penyejuk udara (AC), kipas angin, dan lampu, terutama di siang hari.
Pemasangan cermin pada salah satu dinding, seperti di teras, ruang keluarga, dan kamar mandi, akan menambah luas imajiner ruangan. Dekorasi dinding dengan lukisan, foto keluarga, sertifikat, plakat, atau benda etnik sebagai titik perhatian menambah hidup suasana ruang sekaligus memberikan terapi kejiwaan kepada penghuni.
Halaman sempit dapat difungsikan sebagai taman resapan air (taman kering) dengan struktur sederhana dari bawah ke atas, batu apung, ijuk, koral, pasir kasar, dan tanah/koral/ kerikil, dengan ketebalan beragam sesuai kondisi tanah.
Penanaman pohon di taman depan (yang paling memungkinkan) dibandingkan dengan taman belakang merupakan pemasok oksigen sekaligus memberikan keteduhan dan kesejukan kepada penghuni. Di pagi hari, penghuni tetap disarankan membuka jendela dan pintu untuk menjamin ketersediaan sinar matahari dan udara segar masuk menghangatkan ruang dan menggantikan udara pengap dalam rumah.
Rumah mungil akan lebih nyaman jika masalah ketersediaan dan kualitas air bersih yang diperoleh dari PAM, pompa tangan, atau pompa mesin diperhatikan dengan baik, apalagi jika terjadi kesulitan air bersih di musim kemarau. Lalu, bagaimana sistem pengelolaan sampah juga perlu dipelajari dengan cermat, apakah dikelola sendiri (daur ulang) atau disediakan tempat penampungan sementara.
Selain hal-hal yang sudah disebutkan diatas, berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang dapat digunakan untuk memaksimalkan desain rumah mungil anda :
Cermin menciptakan kesan luas pada ruang. Gunakan cermin di daerah meja makan atau ruang keluarga. Cermin dengan ukuran besar di tempat tepat menghasilkan efek ruang yang kuat. Sebelum cermin diletakkan di dinding, kita dapat mencoba-coba dahulu penempatannya di beberapa tempat untuk mengetahui efeknya pada ruang.
Desain built-in menciptakan kesan ruang yang simpel dan membuat ruang lebih luas. Selain itu dapat mengurangi biaya pembelian furniture. Misalnya di ruang tidur, lemari dapat dibuat “menempel” ke tembok atau di dalam gypsum. Kita hanya perlu membuat ambalan di dalamnya dan membuat pintunya saja hingga memperkecil biaya pembuatan furniture. Bagian dalam lemari dapat dilapisi wallpaper supaya lebih manis.
Misalnya untuk meja makan. Gunakan meja makan kecil dan diletakkan menempel tembok dengan 4 kursi. Kursi yang digunakan lebih baik puff sehingga kesan ruang lebih luas. Gunakan pula coffee table dan credenza yang berukuran kecil.
Jangan memilih furniture yang “berat” dan tebal. Cari furniture yang tipis dan berbentuk rangka, bukan bidang. Contohnya untuk credenza tv, pilih furniture berkaki, jangan yang penuh sampai ke lantai.
Warna ruang jangan gelap untuk bidang dinding yang besar. Pilih warna muda sehingga terang dan berkesan luas.
Gunakan semaksimal mungkin furniture untuk tempat penyimpanan. Misalnya membuat laci-laci di bawah ranjang, nakas yang dapat menyimpan barang, credenza yang dapat memuat majalah-majalah dan semua furniture lainnya. Dengan banyak penyimpanan akan mengurangi barang-barang yang dibiarkan tergeletak dan jika arang bertambah banyak tidak perlu membuat lagi tempat peyimpanan.
Jangan biarkan dinding kosong terlalu besar. Dinding kosong dapat diisi dengan lukisan atau hiasan. Jangan pula dibuat terlalu penuh. Tapi secukupnya saja sehingga bangunan tidak terkesan kosong dan dingin.
Kini, Anda pun dapat menikmati rumah mungil yang indah, sehat, dan bersahabat dengan lingkungan.
Desain Arsitektur, Produksi Bangunan, Analisa Harga Satuan dan RAB (Rencana Anggaran dan Biaya) - Suatu Pendekatan Mendasar
Biaya Desain Arsitektur
Biaya Desain adalah biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh konsumen dalam jumlah tertentu yang telah disepakati sebagai imbalan atas jasa yang dilakukan oleh arsitek/perencana untuk membuat desain rumah atau bangunan arsitektur.
Penentuan besarnya biaya desain biasanya ditentukan oleh dua hal, yaitu :
Jika arsitek hanya membuat desain, maka besarnya fee desain = 3% dari Biaya Produksi Bangunan.
Contoh : Konsumen menginginkan desain rumah dengan luas bangunan 120 m2, diketahui biaya produksi bangunan (akan dibahas setelah ini) adalah sebesar 2.500.000/m2 , maka besar nya fee arsitek sebesar : 3% x (120 x 2.500.000) atau : (3 x 120 x 2.500.000)/100 = 9.000.000
Jika arsitek membuat desain sekaligus melakukan supervisi (melakukan pengawasan) atas pelaksanaan dan produksi bangunan tersebut, maka besarnya fee ditentukan berdasarkan persen/prosentase biaya produksi bangunan nya. Dalam hal ini besarnya fee sebesar : 5% sampai dengan 8% dari biaya produksi bangunan.
Contoh : Desain yang dibuat adalah rumah dengan luas bangunan 120 m2, diketahui biaya produksi bangunan (akan dibahas setelah ini) adalah sebesar 2.500.000/m2 , maka besarnya fee arsitek sebesar : 5% x (120 x 2.500.000) atau : (5 x 120 x 2.500.000)/100 = 15.000.000
Dengan dua contoh sistem pembayaran diatas, tentu anda harus bijak memilih manakah jenis pembayaran yang sesuai dengan budget/anggaran anda. Sehingga anda tidak perlu mengeluh tentang mahalnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membayar jasa seorang arsitek (no offence yah ).
Biaya Produksi Bangunan
Biaya produksi bangunan adalah sejumlah dana yang dikeluarkan oleh konsumen untuk membeli dan membayar upah atas pekerja, pemborong/kontraktor, material, pajak (ppn) dan biaya-biaya lainnya.
Biaya produksi bangunan ini jika ditaksir besarnya berkisar antara : 2.500.000 sampai dengan 3.500.000 per meter persegi luas bangunan yang akan dibuat, tergantung dari jenis dan detail bangunan yang akan dibuat (sederhana, sedang, dan mewah).
Contoh : Anda akan membangun rumah seluas 120 m2 , maka besarnya biaya yang harus anda keluarkan untuk merealisasikan bangunan tersebut (membayar upah kerja, material, dsb) adalah sebesar : 120 m2 x 2.500.000 = 300.000.000. Harga tersebut belum termasuk fee kontraktor/pemborong (sebesar 10% dari Biaya produksi) , dan pajak (ppn).
Untuk mereduksi besarnya biaya yang harus anda keluarkan, anda bisa saja mengeliminasi fee kontraktor dengan cara melaksanakan sendiri rancangan bangunan yang telah didesain.
Contoh perhitungan ini dibuat berdasarkan asumsi bahwa anda telah memiliki lahan/tanah yang siap untuk digunakan, dan jenis/detail bangunan kategori middle end .
Mungkin beberapa dari anda bertanya, bagaimana detail perhitungan atau estimasi dari biaya produksi bangunan itu?
Detail estimasi dari biaya produksi itu nantinya akan dijabarkan lebih lanjut dalam perhitungan Analisa Harga Satuan (upah pekerja, material, alat, kontraktor/pemborong, dsb).
Hasil dari perhitungan Analisa Harga Satuan tersebut nantinya merupakan komponen-komponen biaya yang direkap/dijumlahkan dalam Rencana Anggaran dan Biaya.
Sekarang anda mungkin dapat menebak kira-kira berapa besar keuntungan yang didapatkan oleh developer real estate untuk 1 unit rumah yang dijual kepada pembeli. Atau bisa dibalik, berapa duit pembeli yang hilang akibat ketidak pahaman pembeli menaksir biaya rumah yang akan dibeli.
Tapi saya tidak menganjurkan anda untuk memprotes developer-developer tersebut. Karena walau bagaimanapun, developer juga menjalankan usaha, dan real estate/perumahan adalah bagian dari sebuah bisnis. Dan bisnis tentunya haruslah profit, anggap saja harga perumahan tersebut sebagai reward dari usaha developer untuk mencapai break event point atas modal atau modal yang telah mereka keluarkan (Saya tertawa ketika menulis bagian ini, seolah-olah saya ini seorang economist )
Sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membangun rumah idaman anda, saya sarankan anda berkonsultasi dahulu kepada arsitek yang anda percaya, anda tidak perlu khawatir akan dikenakan biaya, karena dalam hal konsultasi biasanya tidak dikenakan biaya apapaun.
Dari tulisan diatas bisa disimpulkan, ternyata biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membayar jasa arsitek sebenarnya tidak terlalu besar, sehingga anda sebagai calon konsumen tidak perlu takut untuk berhubungan dengan para professional yang berkompeten untuk mendesain rumah impian anda.
Penjelasan/perencanaan secara lengkap tentang biaya desain arsitektur, contoh desain, denah/layout dan tampak bangunan, biaya produksi, analisa harga satuan, dan RAB (Rencana Anggaran dan Biaya) dapat anda lihat pada artikel yang akan saya posting berikutnya.. So, keep your interest with this site…
Community Supported Agriculture, Farmers' Markets and Market Days
The image of a table laden with a bountiful harvest isn't just for Thanksgiving. Local farmers' markets and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs are available throughout the United States providing fresh, locally grown produce during the growing seasons. In other countries, markets are a part of daily life.
Even during the cold months of winter, some market farmers continue to sell products such as honey, eggs, cheese, nuts and meats. At the North Carolina Farmers' Market there are peanuts, pecans, cabbage, sweet potatoes and apples available for purchase in December. Additionally, there are jars of jams, jellies and other home canned goods.
Now is a good time to find farms in your area that participate in the CSA programs. With a CSA program, you subscribe in advance to receive shares of the locally grown, fresh produce from area farmers. By buying these shares, you help ensure that the farmer will be able to cover their expenses and salaries to grow and deliver the produce. By subscribing in the winter months, the farmer can plan how much to plant and order seeds for the next growing season.
Through a subscription with a CSA farm, boxes of fresh produce are sized according to the number of people to feed in your family. Many of the CSA farms will deliver the boxes to your home each week during the growing season, or provide a pick-up point in a nearby location. The CSA program is so popular in the Triangle Area of North Carolina that there are even waiting lists to subscribe with some of the local farms.
Whether you live, or travel, in another country, you're probably not very far from a market. For example, there are lists of market days for villages in France. Other countries publish similar lists. If you are traveling, you can also ask at the tourist information office. When my son lived in London, he shopped daily to purchase fresh produce from his neighborhood market.
Buying from a local market is not only a great experience, but a wonderful way to get to know the farmers who grow the produce. If you're a traveler, you may be introduced to fresh foods that you would not find elsewhere.
Story and photos by Freda Cameron
Cryptomeria Japonica: An Evergreen Conifer
One of the best evergreen trees in my garden is cryptomeria japonica. There are many varieties of cryptomeria, ranging in size from a small shrub to a towering 30 foot tall tree. Those grown in the wild may reach 80 feet high and 20 feet wide. There is a mid-sized 'Jindai Sugi' that makes a wonderful screening tree at 12 feet x 8 feet. I also have three very slow-growing, cryptomeria japonica 'Black Dragon' located in the fragrance garden. The 'Black Dragon' grows slowly to 7 feet high and 8 feet wide.
These Japanese cedars are reliably deer resistant, with only a few branch tips sampled during the winter months. Cryptomeria are suitable for zones 5-9 and are relatively drought tolerant, once established. If you plant any of these conifers, they like full to part-sun in rich soil.
I tried the shrub sized 'Globosa Nana' at the top of the slope in my perennial garden. Every perennial that was planted downhill, within 3-4 feet from these little cryptomeria, died. I had to remove the shrubs from the perennial garden, digging out and replacing the soil in that area. I've not had a problem growing perennials, ornamental grasses and shrubs around the large cryptomeria trees.
Carex 'Gold Fountains' and other gold foliaged plants and shrubs make bright companions for dark green cryptomeria. The trees provide a year-round privacy screen for our waterfall patio.
Note about "going green" in our climate: In general, an acre of hardwood forest will absorb about one ton of carbon per year. However, an acre of evergreen conifers will absorb about 1 1/2 tons of carbon per year from carbon dioxide.
Child-Friendly Garden Plants
Although the weather has passed for planting, this is a great time to plan a garden with the children in your family. During quiet winter nights and holiday breaks, drawing a little garden plan with crayons or colored pencils is a great indoor activity. Give your old gardening magazines and catalogs to children. Let them circle the flowers that they like or cut out photos to make their own little creative designs.
I've been gardening for over 30 years. I owe my gardening interest to my grandmother. Among my fondest childhood memories are those of making daily walks in my grandmother's flower garden. My son, now grown, is quite knowledgeable about gardens. He planted many of the trees, shrubs and perennials in my garden. In turn, he's the one who encouraged me to write a gardening blog so that he could keep up with the garden while he was in graduate school in London.
Stachys byzantina 'Helen von Stein' is my favorite soft and fuzzy perennial. This is the true "teddy bear" of garden plants. These velvet lamb's ears are easy to grow in zones 4-9. Requiring little water, lamb's ears are drought tolerant as well as deer and rabbit resistant. This perennial spreads rapidly, reaching a width of over two feet within two years. They are easy to propagate by division. Here in the south, they will "melt" during times of heat and humidity. When that happens, I pull out the mushy leaves to give the plant a neat appearance. Once the cool fall temperatures arrive, my stachys looks fine again.
The "action figure" in a child-friendly garden is the snapdragon or antirrhinum majus. I remember playing with the blooms by squeezing the "jaws" to open and close the "mouth." The snapdragon is the first flower that I can recall and my grandmother was always willing to cut these flowers to give to me. The color choices will delight a child. Considered annuals except in the warmest zones, snapdragons do occasionally overwinter here in zone 7b. This is reliably deer and rabbit resistant in my garden.
For a fun barnyard discussion, just plant Hens and Chicks (sempervivum tectorum) to amuse children. Let them name these cute little plants. Easy to grow in poor soil, there are many colors and leaf shapes for a patchwork of variety. Suitable for zones 3b through 11, just about any garden has room for these tiny little jewels. Hens and Chicks are great for rock gardens. Rocks make great accents for children's gardens.
A bird and butterfly garden is another great idea as the children learn to identify the different varieties. With encouragement, children may start daily journals to keep a "life list" of birds that they see and identify. If hummingbirds are common in your area, add a hummingbird feeder. Since bees are attracted to flowering plants, children will need to be supervised to prevent stings. This is an opportunity to teach children about the important role of honey bees for the success of crops and flowers.
There are many perennials, annuals, and ornamental grasses that are suitable for child-friendly gardens. However, some plants can be poisonous. Before planting a garden for children, be sure to research whether or not the plant is toxic.
If you don't have gardening space in a yard, a few containers of child-friendly plants on a deck or patio is a great way to introduce children to gardening. Have fun with children and plants and create lasting memories. In my opinion, there's nothing better than passing along the gift of gardening.
Lovely Lucca
Look up to search out the beautiful balconies and window boxes overflowing with colorful flowers. Lovely Lucca, an old Italian friend, extends a warm welcome with brightly painted houses against sunny skies.
Enjoy a leisurely lunch in one of her ancient buildings. Stroll along her quiet village streets and pause in a piazza for gelato. Walk along the rampart walls that surround this pretty lady. Sit for awhile on a park bench. Don't rush this rare visit with Lucca.
When the cold weather comes, I start longing for those favorite places. On a sentimental Sunday, I stare at photos where flowers embellish the windows of the world.
Story and photos by Freda Cameron. Location: Lucca, Italy
Menata Ruang Tamu Di Rumah Anda
Menata ruang tamu di rumah dengan ukuran yang bervariasi merupakan tantangan tersendiri. Selain harus layak menerima tamu, ruang ini harus diatur agar nyaman dan tidak berkesan penuh.
Demi kepraktisan, sebagian orang meniadakan ruang tamu di rumahnya. Di rumah-rumah yang mungil, ruang tamu fungsinya seringkali digabung dengan ruang lain. Misalnya tamu yang akrab langsung dipersilakan masuk di ruang keluarga. Sementara itu, tamu lain cukup diterima di teras rumah saja.
Namun untuk sebagian orang, ruang tamu tetap jadi bagian yang sangat penting karena ruang tamu mencerminkan karakter si pemilik. Bagi rumah dengan ukuran yang pas-pasan tentu selain harus layak menerima tamu, ruang ini harus diatur sedemikian rupa agar tidak terlalu menghabiskan ruangan. Bagi pemilik rumah yang cukup luas, tentu hal ini tidak akan menjadi masalah.
Di rumah mungil, ruang tamu tentu juga berukuran mungil, karenanya jangan memenuhi ruang tamu dengan furniture. Cukup sediakan sofa dengan dua dudukan (two seaters), satu sofa single seater, dan meja kecil. Apabila masih ada ruang lebih tambahkan meja sudut. Furnitur yang ada jika memungkinkan letakkan disandarkan ke dinding agar ruang terlihat lebih lega.
Yang terpenting, peletakkan tidak mengganggu alur sirkulasi dari pintu masuk ke ruang-ruang lainnya. Di rumah dengan ukuran ruang tamu yang cukup luas atau luas, bisa diletakkan sofa dengan ukuran yang cukup besar, misalnya dengan sofa 3-2-1 seaters dan dengan meja tamu dan meja sudut dengan peletakkan yang hampir sama dengan rumah mungil agar tidak mengganggu alur sirkulasi menuju ruang lainnya.
Agar tidak monoton, menggabungkan dua buah sofa yang berbeda sangatlah menarik. Beda disini maksudnya adalah beda bentuk, beda desain, ataupun beda warna. Untuk menjembataninya carilah benang merah antara keduanya, misalnya berupa warna yang senada.
Di ruang tamu dengan luas yang terbatas, lebih cocok diisi dengan furnitur yang ringan, tempat duduk yang tebal, seperti sofa memberi kesan berat. Namun pemilihan sofa yang tepat bisa menjadikan ruang tamu tidak terkesan penuh.
Tips-tips pemilihan sofa misalnya dengan warna terang, pilih sofa dengan dua seaters, jangan terpaku pada ukuran standar sofa (umumnya lebar 80cm) karena akan membuat ruangan semakin sempit, pilih dengan ukuran 60 cm atau 50 cm, jika sofa ingin diletakkan menempel pada dinding, pilih sofa tanpa sandaran. Ini akan menghemat ruang ataupun juga sofa tanpa sandaran lengan.
Mempercantik Rumah Minimalis
Rumah minimalis sangat diminati oleh masyarakat yang serba praktis sekarang ini. Bagaimana cara memilih furniture dan aksesori yang tepat untuk rumah minimalis Anda?
Mempertahankan unsur praktis dan fungsional menjadi kunci dasar dalam mendandani rumah minimalis.
Pemilihan bahan yang tepat dapat mengentalkan konsep minimalis yang ingin dihadirkan. Furniture kaca misalnya yang dipadu dengan aluminium atau besi tempa termasuk jenis furniture yang banyak digunakan. Selain bentuknya yang simpel, perawatannya pun relatif mudah dilakukan.
Gorden pun mampu mendukung kesan yang ingin ditampilkan dalam ruangan. Dengan jenis roman blind, misalnya yang bersifat ringan sekaligus mampu memberi kesan dinamis dalam ruangan yang minimalis.
Desain dengan presisi yang tegas juga menjadi ciri khas pada arsitektur maupun furniture minimalis. Oleh karena itu, pilih meja atau kursi yang memiliki desain sederhana, sedikit, atau tanpa ornament. Dengan ornament yang minim tersebut, dapat memudahkan perawatan dan ruangan terksesan lebih lega sehingga cocok bila diterapkan pada rumah minimalis yang mungil.
Minimalis juga dapat dipadukan dengan bahan atau furniture dari warna - warna kayu seperti coklat tua atau coklat yang kemerahan.
Pemilihan warna dan corak pun harus diperlihatkan dengan cermat, di mana corak bunga-bunga atau warna-warni yang terlalu ramai kurang cocok bila dipadukan dalam rumah minimalis. Pertahankan nada warna setiap kali menambah atau mengganti aksesori dan furniture dalam satu ruangan.
Tata setiap aksesori dan furniture dengan cermat, namun usahakan agar ruangan tidak berkesan terlalu penuh karena justru dapat menegaskan kesan minimalis yang ingin diciptakan. Contohnya penataan pigura foto menggunakan pigura yang lebih besar namun dalam jumlah sedikit untuk memberi aksen dalam ruangan.
Garden Design: Working with a Professional
What is the process of working with a professional garden designer? I asked this question at a local garden center that has been in business for over 55 years.
Cathy Dickinson-Hearp grew up in a family of garden experts and is happy to share the story of her heritage. In 1952, her grandparents started Dickinson Garden Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Cathy’s father took over the business from her grandfather. After receiving his business degree at Appalachian State University, Cathy’s brother returned to Dickinson Garden Center. The Dickinson family not only sells plants and garden supplies, but provides design and installation services.
Cathy is the garden and landscape designer, having joined the family business six or seven years ago. She has a degree in biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before joining the business, Cathy went back to school to obtain a degree in horticulture and landscape design at NC State University in Raleigh. While Cathy grew up hearing the names of plants, she felt that having an in-depth knowledge of horticulture was a requirement for running the design service.
There are several levels of garden service provided by Dickinson Garden Center: consultation, garden or landscape design, and installation.
The consulation service, sometimes referred to as a "yard doctor call" is where Cathy visits the gardens to help with plant maladies and assess the condition of the landscape. Another example is providing experienced gardeners with new design ideas. Cathy also provides consultation when a client moves into a new house and needs someone to identify the plants, and explain how to care for the plants.
The next level is the design service. Cathy charges for an initial consultation, then an hourly rate for studio design work.
The garden center offers installation, with or without the design service.
The full-service design clients are primarily homeowners without gardening experience. These clients seek consultation, design and installation.
When it comes to explaining garden design to non-gardeners, Cathy uses the analogy of building and decorating a house. First, you construct the walls and basic structure, and then you add the details. The “walls” for a garden design can be outdoor spaces, or rooms, with the basic shrubs, trees and structures. According to Cathy, the fun part is in the details, using perennials, as the garden is being created.
Cathy says that most people have an idea of what they like when they see it, but have a difficult time trying to describe the inspiration. Cathy's approach to determining the vision of the client is to listen and communicate. There is a lot of back-and-forth communication during the design process that allows Cathy to understand what will appeal to her clients.
Before meeting with the client, she asks them to collect pictures, if possible, of design ideas from pictures or magazines. Cathy begins the consultation by walking around the property to identify priorities as well as issues that need to be addressed. These issues may be drainage problems, a need for privacy, or dealing with deer. In this area, deer seem to always be one of the issues. Cathy also assesses the light conditions for determining the need for shade or sun plants.
If her client doesn’t know plants, Cathy sends photos and information about how the plant will be used in the garden. Cathy has moved away from drawing designs by hand at a drafting table and now utilizes a computer program. There are times when the client needs a presentation packet of materials and drawings to obtain approval by zoning or homeowner's associations. Using the computer makes the drawing easier, and faster, when there are revisions to the design.
For Cathy, the real excitement is during the installation of the gardens. She takes a hands-on approach to her designs and loves to be there to tweak the final design to make sure it pleases her clients.
With her experience in garden design and retail, I just had to ask Cathy to list her favorite plants. Are there any new varieties that she thinks will be exciting for gardeners? One flowering shrub, she and her father predict, will be a big hit this spring. It is a new, dwarf gardenia “Crown Jewel” PPAF that is a patented hybrid of 'Kleim’s Hardy.' The new double-bloom gardenia was developed by Oakmont Nursery in Chatham County. Phillip Dark, the Oakmont owner, bred the gardenia with assistance from Michael Dirr.
Other plants on Cathy’s favorite list include:
- Liatris – nice backdrop plant with hardy, nice foliage for perennial gardens; deer resistant
- Baptisia – native; ‘Carolina Moonlight’ (yellow); interesting foliage; deer resistant
- Helleborus – cool season blooms; long bloom; deer resistant
- Heuchera – ‘Citronelle’ is a nice yellow; sell-out quickly; great for all year interest
- Asclepias – attracts butterflies; late to emerge; deer resistant
- Pyracantha – berries; deer resistant
- Spirea ‘Shirobana’ - blooms in summer
- Daphne odora ‘Marginata’– variegated foliage; needs good drainage, filtered sunlight; deer resistant
- Pieris ‘Little Heath’ dwarf variegated; deer resistant
- Buddleia ‘Blue Chip’ PPAF – dwarf, blue blooms; deer resistant
Technology Time: Martha's Photo Albums
What does technology have to do with Martha Stewart's photo albums?
Every morning, I make my "blog rounds" to see what topics are posted by other gardeners. Yesterday, in the "Gardening Gurus" section on my blog, I noticed Japanese maple trees listed in the headline for Martha's blog. Interested in maples, I headed over to read The Martha Blog. Martha posted 170 photos that she took at the gardens owned by Michael and Judy Steinhardt. The gardens include 400 cultivars of Japanese maples. Great photos! As engrossed as I was in perusing the photos of gorgeous maples in a stunning setting, something else drew my attention.
Martha is generous. There is a ShareThis® link on Martha's blog. Hoping that double chocolate coconut cookies would be shared with me (I saw the cookies right there in the "Cookie of the Day" gadget), I clicked on the icon.
Several options were presented to me:
- Social Web
- Post
- Send/Email
Martha's Photo Albums
Posted using ShareThis
Clearly, some cookies were shared, but they were electronic, not double chocolate coconut!
Before you click on the link to Martha's Photo Albums, realize that is the link to all of her albums. You'll see the photos of the Victoria Secrets Underwear Models along with the maple trees. I modified the link to open in a new window. I modified the post title to add "Technology Time." Other than that, it was automatically generated code.
I suppose Martha's philosophy is that sharing with others is a good thing. Okay, I'll share, too.
Just think--like a maple tree, garden bloggers can branch out! If all garden bloggers share and branch, we can eventually take over the Internet world. And, it will be green!
All company or product or patented names mentioned are registered trademarks/copyrights/patents owned by those respective companies or persons.
Baffle the Squirrels and Feed the Birds
The IQ of a squirrel is greatly underestimated. They solve problems with logic and they know how to use tools. There's a "think tank" of great squirrel minds out in our woods right now, putting together a plan for how they can get an easy meal from our birdfeeder.
Gardeners and other bird lovers hang their feeders hoping to attract, and feed, a variety of beautiful feathered friends over the winter. My husband and I take down our hummingbird feeders in the fall and bring out the birdseed. Our birdfeeders are positioned so that we can view the activity from our garden room while we enjoy our morning coffee by the warmth of the fireplace. Our Peterson's Field Guide® is handy so that we can quickly look up any unfamiliar birds.
From our view of the garden, we have personally witnessed many successful schemes of seed-stealing by the squirrels. We started out with a simple, inexpensive birdfeeder mounted on a simple, inexpensive hanger pole. The birdfeeder was filled with expensive, gourmet, premium wild bird seed. It didn't take but a few hours to realize that is equivalent to a neon "Open All Day" sign for squirrels.
We went back to the store in search of a solution. We saw a rather amusing video of a battery-operated feeder throwing squirrels around like a mechanical bull. We took one home. We replaced our cheap feeder with the animated attraction. We took our seats ready for the morning entertainment, confident that the squirrels would be unable to steal the seed.
The first squirrel was a bit stunned by his merry-go-round ride. He sat on the ground staring up at the new feeder. We "high-fived" thinking that the only seed for that squirrel was going to be what was dropped on the ground from bird beaks. He attempted his thievery a few more times, then went up on the roof to survey the situation. He sat up there for awhile pondering how to get around this new contraption. He came down with a new plan and told all his squirrel buddies.
The next thing we knew, a squirrel was on top of the feeder, where there is no flipping mechanism. He struggled and struggled to try to open the top. Unsuccessful in getting the lid off, we thought for sure he would give up. Instead the squirrels regrouped and sent their scout back on the roof to gather more intelligence about this new machine.
The next trick was to hang onto the pole with hind feet, stretch across and hold onto to the feeder trough instead of the flipping mechanism. The squirrels took turns eating from the feeder, ever so persistant and patient. The crew spent an entire day working systematically to reach the food. In the process, they managed to empty the feeder of seeds, replenishing their troups for another day's raid.
It was time for us to go back to the store. This time, we asked for assistance. The experienced salesperson pointed out a cone-shaped pole baffle. This purchase also required the purchase of a larger, taller pole to fit the baffle.
Having spent a considerable amount of money on this defense system, we were cautiously optimistic about our new fortress. With our mechanical feeder, a better pole and a new baffle, we were ready for the next onslaught.
The squirrels huddled together at the bottom of this new pole and baffle. From their vantage point, they could see the feeder, but it disappeared into darkness with every attempt to climb the pole. They tried to hang on the edge of the baffle, but there was no grip. They tried tipping the baffle to no avail. The sentinel on the roof had no battle plan for dislodging the baffle. Without trees close enough to launch an airborne attack, the defeated squirrel troop sulked back into the woods.
Through all of last winter, the baffle continued to baffle the squirrels while the birds got plenty to eat. We did show a little sympathy now and then by spreading a little seed around for the pitiful squirrels. We're ready for the attacks this year. Unless the squirrels bring a ladder, we think the birdfeeder is safe.
Art in the Garden: NC Sculptor Joel Haas
When I received the photos of the work by talented North Carolina sculptor Joel Haas, I was stunned by the wonderful array of choices. I couldn’t select just one work of art to feature from Joel’s creations!
Joel’s whimsical dogs are guaranteed to make you smile. But, “Spot” and “Spot, Surprised” had me laughing out loud! My imagination started working. I can see “Spot” greeting visitors at the beginning of a path while “Spot, Surprised” is hidden around a corner. Spot is clearly a playful, fun and loyal companion. There are other pup-art sculptures in Joel’s portfolio. The “Daaaachshunds” are very long and very, very cute…drooling tongues and all!
There are funny, serious, romantic, and spiritually inspired sculptures. There are graceful gates and funny face gates; tiger benches and red “love” seats, trellises and arches and even a pig grill among his work. There are critters and creatures, dragons, angels and everything in between. There's so much to see, you must visit Tarheel Gallery and Joel Haas Studio to view additional pieces of Joel's work.
How do you decide what art will work for your garden? Joel says that good sculptors should guide you through the "planting" of art so that it interacts with your garden. His advice is, "The pieces should say something about the garden and the gardener while not being out of harmony with the spirit and style of the garden."
With his plant analogy, Joel says that some sculptures will work better for sun and others for shade. Just like plants, select sculpture for the color, form and purpose. Ground preparation is necessary to ensure that the sculpture is stable and level. An occasionally cleaning with a soft cloth and mild detergent is necessary to keep sculpture looking great.
To find sculptors in your area, Joel recommends contacting universities, art galleries or art councils. Always ask to see the portfolio of the sculptor to ensure the quality, materials and the inspiration fits the ambiance and style of your garden.
As for his sculptures, Joel says, “I just make stuff that transports me to a happier place where I can hum and whistle.”
Sculptures and Photos by Joel Haas Studio, Raleigh, NC. Story by Freda Cameron. Click photos for a larger view.
Hiding Out: Praying Mantis in Manettia
The praying mantis is so well camouflaged among the red and green of the manettia vine. I snapped this photo when I was visiting the garden of Dr. Dennis Werner. Not long after I took this photo, Phillip Oliver, at Dirt Therapy, featured manettia and his readers responded about the identification of the plant. From my research, I found there are several varieties of manettia.
The vine in my photo is most likely manettia inlata, orginating from Uruguay. Manettia inlata grows well in zones 7b-10 in full or part sun. It emerges in spring with blooms bursting out in summer, lasting into the fall. This vine, without the praying mantis, is at the top of the "wish list" for hummingbirds!
Eastern Aromatic Aster, Native Perennial Wildflower
You've got to love the blue-purple color of this gorgeous Eastern Aromatic Aster! How aromatic? Rub or crush the leaves to inhale the pine fragrance.
Hundreds of blooms pop out in the autumn months, lighting up the roadsides of western North Carolina. Any flower enthusiast will brake their car to a halt to see nature's color combination of purple aster beside yellow native solidago.
Peaking in October, this native wildflower aster oblongifolius var. angustatus grows to a height of 2-4 feet. Aromatic aster can be found as far west as Texas and Wisconsin. Here in the humid South, the aster grows wild in thickets and fields. Drought tolerant, it can tolerate rocky locations and poor soil as long as it receives good sunlight.
I'm so tempted to grow this native in my own garden. The rabbits (or deer) have munched all other asters that I've grown. If Aromatic Aster can survive the deer and rabbits in the wild, then why can't it survive those hungry critters in my home garden? Perhaps the key to survival is the fact that it is aromatic!
I took this photo at the North Carolina Botanical Gardens in Chapel Hill where the Eastern Aromatic Aster grows in profusion in the Rare Plants Garden. Next spring, I'm going to go back to see if the Botanical Gardens has the Eastern Aromatic Aster available for sale.
Photo and story by Freda Cameron
In Search of a Garden Gate
I've always had a fascination with gates. Like a pretty envelope waiting to be opened, a garden gate extends an invitation to look inside. I willingly accept the offer, curious to know more about the garden beyond.
A garden gate can be as individual as the gardener. It becomes part of the garden as much an object of art or a special plant.
After our house was finished in September 2005, I went in search of a garden gate. The doorway in the gable wing wall of our steep, "catslide" roof cried out for something cottage-inspired. I wanted a gate to echo the storybook appeal of the asymmetrical roof, stone chimney and cedar shakes.
For months after the house was built, I searched local antique shops and salvage shops. I talked to craftsmen in the area about making a gate. I never imagined that finding the perfect gate would be so difficult!
Finally, in March 2006, I found an online company called Pacific Gate Works in Oregon. Pacific Gate Works handcrafts custom gates from Western Red Cedar as well as iron.
Although I was concerned about ordering a gate online, the process went smoothly due to the personal attention from the company. With a wide variety of styles from which to select, I narrowed down my choice to the reverse arch from the Old World Collection, but was unsure of the proper height.
Tom Ellingson guided me through the project via email. I sent photos of our house to him. Tom suggested a height for our custom gate to fit the scale of the doorway. He emailed draft drawings and measurements to me for approval. Once the design was finalized, our gate was made and shipped to us by freight.
The cedar gate, with hardware, arrived in perfect condition and I stained it to match our cedar shakes. The price of the custom gate, including shipping, was far less than any other premade or antique gate that I had found in my search.
Immediately, I knew that we had added the right cottage gate. The patio was suddenly transformed into a private, outdoor room. The path through the cottage garden now has a destination focal point to pique the curiosity of our visitors.
Moving through the gate from the bright, sunny, cottage garden to the patio, the sound of the waterfall amplifies. I feel as though I'm stepping into a different world. The patio now feels secluded, lush and tranquil.
The perfect gate can transform spaces into favorite places in the garden.
Photos and story by Freda Cameron unless otherwise indicated. Thanks to Pacific Gate Works for their assistance.
Garden Inspiration: A Cottage Garden
Just the mention of a cottage garden conjures up romantic images of billowing blooms, spires of color and climbing vines. The only constraint comes in the form of a simple fence, yet the blooms spill over with divine simplicity reminiscent of English garden paintings.
If we ask a gardener what grows in a cottage garden, roses are always mentioned. Hollyhocks, foxgloves, delphiniums come to mind. Herbs such as rosemary, lavender and basil might be included along with a few vegetables. Annuals such as sweetpeas or kiss-me-over-garden-gate are old-fashioned favorites. Spring blooming bulbs of hyacinth and tulips may bring on the first signs of color. Plants are tucked into little places or massed in generous proportions.
In our modern world, many gardeners long to grow a cottage garden. We can't all live in England--nor can we all live in cottages. However, we adjust and modify our garden plans to find suitable plants to give us that cottage garden feeling. When the garden finally exhudes that ambiance, we want to stay in it forever.
Our gardening friend, Libby, inspires us with her Pacific Northwest cottage garden in Zone 8b, Victoria BC. Libby uses an abundance of color, mixing the flower forms and textures. During the peak bloom time of mid-June through August, Libby's garden explodes into color, blurred together to create one flowing river of a garden, rather than a collection of individually grounded plants.
Libby grows an English cottage garden full of delphiniums, hollyhocks, foxgloves, poppies, and peonies. A meandering path edged with brick winds through her garden, connecting the potting shed and the tool shed. A wisteria blooms abundantly in spring, creating a focal point at the back of the garden. Roses climb over vertical structures, adding to the sense of romanticism.
Libby buys her sweetpea seeds and allows cottage garden favorites to self-seed:
- calendula, campanula, cornflower, columbine, clarkia elegans, cosmos
- dianthus, Forget-Me-Not, godetia, honesty, feverfew, foxglove
- Jupiter's Beard, larkspur, malva sylvestris, mignonette, mullein
- nasturtium, nemophila, pansy, rose campion
- salvia hominum, Shirley poppy,snapdragon, stock, wallflower
- Rose - cl. 'Cecile Brunner'
- hardy geraniums
- peachleaf bellflower - blue, white
- achillea - 'Moonshine'
- Oriental Poppy - 'Coral Reef'
- red valerian
- centaurea dealbata
- nepeta - 'Dropmore Blue'
Libby has been gardening in the same place for over 35 years. Her cottage garden began eight to ten years ago. It started out as a cutting garden and has evolved into a beautiful cottage garden. There's encouragement for those of us who want to grow our own cottage gardens.
According to Libby, we can quickly grow a cottage garden in three or four years. She says that she does spend a lot of time in her garden--weeding, staking, dividing plants--or, just looking.
When we love our gardens and delight in the results, is it really work? Is there anything else that we'd rather do than tend our gardens?
If we ask Libby to describe her cottage garden for us, she says, "My cottage garden is a sheer mass of color and fragrance and a joy to wander through. Trees, shrubs, annuals , perennials, bulbs, herbs, and old-fashioned favourites become a natural sanctuary for birds and wildlife."
Libby then adds the most important advice to remember, "A cottage garden can be whatever you want it to be - it's your garden after all."
Photos and inspiration by Libby. Story by Freda Cameron.