Modern meet rustic home concept

This contemporary home designed for the entrepreneur who wants to be close to his family but still can feel the cool air in the corner of the city. This is the work of the architect from Netherlands, Arjen Reas, this house features good views of the farmland around. So we can forget about the work fatigue that the entrepreneur usually works in the city. There are traditionally hand in this house, which is part of the roof of this house made of thatched. This is to leave the impression that too modern so it can adding more rustic atmosphere. While from the interior you can see a modern atmosphere that wrapped with a white surface. It’s an interesting concept, especially for you the entrepreneur who wants to get the coolness and tranquility in your home. This house can be an alternative idea for you.
Modern meet rustic home concept Modern Meet Rustic Home Concept On The Edge Of The City
Modern meet rustic home concept
Modern touches and natural views Modern Meet Rustic Home Concept On The Edge Of The City